Peggy's Original Veggie Kablooie!!!
My friend Peggy has been making this incredibly tasty and addicting stuff we call Veggie Kablooie for a while now. It's always a big hit at potlucks, and everyone looks forward to it. She posted the recipe a while back, and I meant to share then, but somehow I just never got around to it. I even made my own batch of Veggie Kablooie from the recipe. It was good, but not as good as Peggy's. (Now you know, Peggy)
Then last night Peggy posted something on Facebook asking if she should make Veggie Kablooie for the Barn Party this weekend, and I was reminded that I never posted this. I don't get to go to the Barn Party - since it's in Wisconsin, and I'm in Indiana - so I won't get to have any Veggie Kablooie, but I can finally get around to sharing the recipe. Seriously, you have to try this stuff. So good!
Posted by permission:

What is it??? It's good for you! Well, it must be since it is filled with vegetables! It's a snacker's delight! It's vegetables that went.....
Many of my friends have asked me for my recipe and I have given them a print out from my computer. No one has ever gotten back to me to say they made it and it's just as good as mine... or even told me they made it. So I can't say this recipe has been tested by anyone but myself, and I actually never really measure anything when I make this. I just kinda go by what looks right.
This is what you need for Peggy's Original Veggie Kablooie:
- A food processor
- 2 parts broccoli
- 2 parts cauliflower
- 2 parts carrot
- 1 part radish, the ones with the greens on top are the best.
- 1 part onion--yellow, white, or, for color use the purple ones
- 1 part green pepper (optional- I think it adds a brightness to the Kablooie)
- 1 part shredded mild cheddar cheese
- enough Kraft Peppercorn Ranch dressing to moisten
- 1 or more bags of Fritos Scoops (not pictured here)

Take all the veggies and grind them up, add enough dressing to moisten, add the cheese no more than 4 hours before serving. Eat with Fritos Scoops (best), or other chips or coin shaped carrots. or scoop-cut bell peppers or other scooplike things.. NOT celery! You will ruin it with celery!
You can also stuff pita pockets, or eat it like coleslaw!
For a complete picture tutorial, visit What!!!! You've NEVER heard of Veggie Kablooie?????