Olive Oil Flatbread
When I posted the recipe for the flatbread I made Peggy last year, Zemanta suggested this - Olive oil adds snap to Sardinian flatbread. It looked really good, but I forgot all about it, until this week. So today I tried it.
This really was easy to make. I'd never made dough with my food processor before, so that was new. It worked really well. The trick was to keep things going - getting the dough rolled out while keeping an eye on the ones in the oven. I did pretty good, though. Only one got a little dark, and even that one tasted good. These have a really nice flavor, and we're really liking them. I'm not sure what to store them in, because they're so crispy I can only get a few in a gallon-size zipper bag. I don't know how long they'll last anyway...
threehourbrunchfriend 1p · 722 weeks ago
flowerppot · 676 weeks ago
bcmom 54p · 676 weeks ago
Peggy L Wales · 259 weeks ago
zainsaeed · 194 weeks ago