Sunday, April 7, 2013

Rice Pudding Muffins

It's time again for  Secret Recipe Club (Secret Recipe Club) reveal!  This month I got to choose a recipe from Kate's blog Food Babbles.  What a great blog!  She pulls together her love of food, family, photography and writing into one very enjoyable place to visit.  I especially love the pictures of those adorable daughters of hers, but oh, the recipes!  The hardest part of any Secret Recipe Club assignment is choosing a recipe.

I thought about making these Zucchini Chocolate Chip Pancakes and the Lemon Biscotti, just to name a couple.  I probably will make them in the future because they look so good, but I chose to make Rice Pudding Muffins this time.  They just sounded like comfort food, and I guess that's what I was in the mood for.  Isn't that how everyone decides what to cook or bake?

I never thought of putting rice in muffins. It really adds a nice texture.  These muffins are really moist and have a very nice subtle flavor.  I put raisins in only half of them because my husband thinks he doesn't like raisins.  I think the raisins are very important, and he likes the muffins just fine without them.  He said he still likes my banana muffins best, but he really likes these, too.

I used yogurt instead of the heavy cream in Kate's recipe - because that's what I had.  I also used brown sugar because I think it adds a nice flavor to things, but cut it down a bit so the muffins wouldn't be too sweet - and they aren't.  Of the 1-1/2 cups flour, I used 1/2 cup white whole wheat because I like whole wheat flour in my muffins, but I think a traditional whole wheat would be too heavy and dense.

Kate's recipe said to use muffin liners, but I usually like my muffins without them so I tried them both ways - with and without the liners.  I like them better without because the bottom of the muffin gets browned, and I think it adds to the flavor of a muffin.  They are good either way.

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