Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Rhubarb Bread

I was going to make Rhubarb Muffins, but then thought I'd try something different.  So I searched Pinterest for Rhubarb Bread recipes.  There were several that looked delicious, but I settled on this one from Hoot-n-Nanny.  The oatmeal on top was what sold me.  I cut down the sugar and oil just a bit and used some white whole wheat flour. 

I used 1-1/2 cups white whole wheat flour and 1 cup unbleached flour.  I buy the Wheat Montana Prairie Gold flour at Walmart.  It's made from hard white spring wheat and finely ground so it's lighter than traditional whole wheat flour but still has all the whole grain benefits.  I think traditional whole wheat flour would add a bit more flavor and texture to this, but I'd probably switch the measurements and use only 1 cup of whole wheat and 1-1/2 cups unbleached. I might add a tablespoon of ground flaxseed for flavor, too.

Other than that, I don't think I'd change a thing about this bread.  It's really good, and I especially like the brown sugar and oat mixture on the top.  It kind of bakes down into the bread in places and gives it a kinda of crunchy/gooey bite, and it's yummy. It does make the bread a bit crumbly, so it's best to use a plate when eating this - or stand over the kitchen sink, so you don't make a mess.

I suppose you could put butter on this, but so far I've just been slicing it and eating it.  Or there was another recipe on Pinterest that included a recipe for Honey Rhubarb Butter - which would probably be great on this and other things too.  I may just need to pull another package of rhubarb out of the freezer...

Update: I had to make the Honey Rhubarb Butter.  I used 1 package of frozen rhubarb (2 cups, mostly thawed), 2 T water, about 3 T raw honey, 1 tsp. cinnamon, and 1/2 tsp. cloves.  I cooked the rhubarb and water until mushy then stirred in the honey and spices.  I did not blend it because it didn't seem to need any blending.  It's really good on the rhubarb bread, and I think it will be really good on other things like toast and biscuits.  I'm thinking I'll cut the cloves in half and only use 1/4 teaspoon next time, because they're a bit strong - not bad, really; I just think I'll like it better with less.

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