Wednesday, August 22, 2012

An Avocado a Day

A friend of mine just posted this on Facebook. 

She said she wishes she could grow avocados in her backyard.  Wouldn't that be nice?  I wish I could grow them in my backyard, too - now that I know how much I love them! (and, of course, how healthy they are)

There  was a time when I really did have avocados growing in my backyard.  And then?  I never ate a single one!  Imagine!  They fell off the tree and either went to waste or were eaten by the dogs.  I guess at least we had healthy dogs, right?  I did eat the lemons from the lemon tree.

Today I eat avocados as often as I can.  Today I had avocado and sprouts on my tuna salad sandwich.  It was so good!  I just wish avocados didn't cost so much in the store.  But then again, considering all the health benefits, I suppose they aren't so expensive after all...

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