Thursday, March 3, 2011

Sourdough Bread

I've been making my Whole Wheat (or whole grain) Sourdough Bread most of the time anymore.  Once in a while I just want regular old sourdough bread with white flour - for instance, when I want spaghetti.  A while back I created a tabblo (see bottom of post) with my recipe.  Every time I want to make it, I go to tabblo and look it up.  I figured it was high time I posted it here, too.

Sourdough Bread

The night before you want bread:
  • bring starter to room temperature
  • measure 1 cup starter
  • in large bowl, mix starter with 1-1/2 cups lukewarm water, then stir in 2-1/2 cups bread flour.
  • mix well, cover, and let sit out overnight
The next morning:
  • your mixture should be all bubbly
  • mix in: 3 T sugar, 1 t. salt and 3 T olive oil
  • add 3 to 3-1/2 cups bread flour, mixing in as much as you can with a spoon and then kneading the rest in
  • knead on a floured surface until you have a smooth, elastic dough
  • put into greased bowl, cover and set in warm place to rise
  • When it has doubled, punch it down. Put the dough on a floured surface and divide into two parts. Cover these two lumps for about 10 minutes and let them rest. 
  • Then make them into two round loaves. Put the two loaves on a greased baking sheet, and cover again to let them rise until they are about double in size (about 30 minutes). 
  • Then it's time to bake the loaves, in a 375° oven for about 30 to 35 minutes.
I always take a sharp knife and cut a criss cross pattern into the top of the loaves before putting them into the oven. When they come out, I brush butter onto the hot loaves.

Allow them to cool, slice, and enjoy.

This is great bread with a spaghetti dinner, and it makes wonderful French toast for breakfast.

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