Friday, January 14, 2011

The Perfect Oatmeal

I've been making this oatmeal practically every day for the past 2 weeks, and I'm loving it.

The Perfect Oatmeal
  • Bring to boiling 1 cup water with a dash of salt
  • Reduce heat to medium and stir in 1/2 cup old fashioned oatmeal
  • Add some cinnamon, dried apples, and dried cranberries and cook for 5 minutes or until thickened
  • Turn burner off or remove from heat; cover and let sit for a few minutes
To serve: top with a little brown sugar and plain yogurt


1 comment:

  1. If you soak the oatmeal the night before, it's easier for your body to digest it. Plus it cooks up pretty fast in the morning. You can add your fruit, etc., to it in the morning before you bring it to a boil.


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