Monday, January 10, 2011

Crockpot Yogurt

Found this recipe on Mommysavers. Must try.

Of all the things you’ve made in your Crock Pot, I’m guessing yogurt isn’t on the list.  I hadn’t really heard of it either until I heard the buzz on our discussion forums a couple years ago.   I tested it out myself, tweaked and experimented, and the instructions are as follows:
What You’ll Need for Crock Pot Yogurt:
  • 8 cups (1/2 gallon) milk
  • 1/2 cup plain yogurt with live cultures (I used Fage Greek yogurt)
  • Insulation for Crock Pot (a thick bath towel works well)
Crock Pot Yogurt Instructions:
Pour milk into Crock Pot and turn on low setting.  Cover and cook 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  Unplug Crock Pot and, while still covered, allow to sit for 3 hours.  Scoop out 2 cups of milk and place in a bowl.  Whisk in 1/2 cup yogurt and return to the Crock Pot.  Stir to combine .
Put the lid back on the Crock Pot and wrap with towel to insulate.  Allow to sit overnight, or 8 hours.  Place in plastic containers and refrigerate.  Lasts seven to ten days.

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