Monday, November 29, 2010

Apple Pie Liqueur

Apple cinnamon whiskeyLast fall we bought a bottle of Apple Pie Liqueur, which we really enjoyed.  We shared some with a friend, and he said it tasted just like some he made at home - Grandma's Apple Pie.  There are several recipes for apple pie liqueur online, different variations, but they all look pretty much the same - apple cider, spices and alcohol.  Today I followed my friend Mike's recipe and finally got around to making some apple pie liqueur of my own:

Grandma's Apple Pie (Liqueur)
  • 1 gallon apple cider
  • 1 quart apple juice
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 7 cinnamon sticks
Boil all ingredients, cover and cool to room temp.  When cool, add 1 pint of Everclear.  Then you just need to bottle and enjoy.

Some of the recipes I found online say to bottle and age 1 month, so I'm not entirely sure if it's ready yet or if I need to let it sit.  But, it made a lot - I probably should have made a half recipe!  We have the original Apple Pie Liqueur bottle from last year re-filled, along with a Jack Daniels bottle, another whiskey bottle, a Mason jar - all full, and about half a pint jar.  So, even if I can't wait to get into some of it, there will be plenty that will age way more than a month.  If you've made this before, let me know how you do it.

We just drank the bottle we bought, either room temperature or slightly warmed. It was really good that way, but I hear there are some good cocktail recipes I might have to try, too.

Related Recipes


  1. Yummy! That sounds just too tasty.

  2. We haven't tasted it yet, but it sure smells good!

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