Friday, June 11, 2010

Like Coconut?

Coconut palms protect their fruit by surroundi...Image via Wikipedia
I know not everybody does, but if you like coconut, you have to check out this list of recipes - all of them using coconut.  Originally I got distracted by the pictures - that strawberry rhubarb pie looks amazing and so do the muffins - but be sure to scroll down the page, because there are so many more coconut recipes.  I'm definitely going to have to try some of them.

I found all these recipes when I entered the Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil for Hair Treatment Review & Giveaway over at Shelley's Swag.  In order to enter the giveaway you need to check out the recipes and leave a comment letting her know which recipe (or recipes) sound amazing to you.  Sounds easy enough, right?  And you could win hair treatment that leaves your hair smelling good enough to eat!  (Giveaway ends June 24 at 11:59p.m.)
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1 comment:

  1. I just happened upon your blog. Love the interesting recipes.


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