Sunday, April 4, 2010

Everyone's Favorite Pancakes

Breakfast (Photo credit: bcmom)

These pancakes are one of our favorite Unleavened Bread recipes.  Every year we have them several times, and the kids say they don't ever want "regular" pancakes again.

Golden Delight Pancakes
  • 1 cup cream style cottage cheese
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup oil
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup flour
Put all ingredients except flour into blender container.  Cover and blend at high speed, stopping to stir down once or twice.  Add flour and blend well.  Cook on greased griddle using about 1/4 cup batter for each pancake.  I use a ladle because it just seems to work better than pouring from the blender.  You should be able to cook 4 pancakes at a time on a regular square griddle.

If you're not sure how to know when pancakes are done, read these instructions from  Baking 911:

After pouring the pancake batter, the side towards the griddle is done when the bubbles on top of the opposite or batter side have burst and left small holes. The batter takes on a dry sheen as well. When this happens, it is time to flip the pancake. Before doing so, lift up a corner of it with a spatula to make sure it's nicely browned on the bottom. Using a wide spatula, lift the pancake off the griddle and flip it over, placing it back down on the griddle. When golden brown, remove pancake from griddle.

Serve with butter, honey, syrup, strawberries, bananas, jam, or whatever you like with your pancakes.  Enjoy!

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