Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Soup

I'm really not sure why this is called New Year's Soup, but the first time I made it was New Year's Day several many years ago. I probably wouldn't have noticed it if the time hadn't been right while I was looking through my favorite cookbook (The Best of Mennonite Fellowship Meals) for a soup recipe to try. I'm glad I found it, because it's a very good soup - and I'm reminded of it when New Year's rolls around. I don't necessarily make it every year, but I'm reminded.

I've modified it slightly, like I do with most recipes. I just can't help myself!

New Year's Soup

  • 1 lb. dried beans
  • water to cover beans
  • 1 lb. ground turkey
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 1 or 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 T salt (or less)
  • 1 tsp. chili powder
  • juice of 1 lemon
  • 28-oz. can diced tomatoes
  1. Wash beans. Place in 5-qt. crockpot, cover with water to about 2 inches above bean line and soak for several hours. Turn crockpot on low and cook beans overnight.
  2. The next day, when beans are cooked, brown ground turkey with onion and garlic. Add salt, chili powder, and lemon juice. Add to crockpot along with tomatoes and continue to cook on low for a couple hours, or until you are ready to eat.
  3. Serve hot and enjoy

You can use whatever beans you like. I used pinto beans. I made some whole wheat sourdough bread that we had with it, but I think cornbread is best. I'm going to heat the leftovers up tomorrow, and I think I'll make the cornbread then.

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